
Ano­ther field of ac­tivi­ty that is be­co­m­ing in­cre­a­sin­gly im­portant in the mnts group of com­pa­nies is the con­sul­ting ac­tivi­ty of con­sul­ting. Our ran­ge of ser­vices ex­tends in par­ti­cu­lar to the are­as of “com­pa­ny for­ma­ti­on and sup­port in Ger­ma­ny”, which is ai­med spe­ci­fi­cal­ly at for­eign com­pa­nies. Due to our ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of “Ger­man fleet ma­nage­ment”, we of­fer in­te­rested com­pa­nies com­ple­te so­lu­ti­ons for par­ti­al or com­ple­te re-re­gis­tra­ti­on of their fleets for Ger­man li­cen­se pla­tes.

The­se in­clu­de in par­ti­cu­lar:

  • Foun­da­ti­on of a Ger­man branch with all ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve for­ma­li­ties at the re­s­pon­si­ble aut­ho­ri­ties in Ger­ma­ny in­clu­ding well-foun­ded ad­vice. We are as­sis­ted by ex­pe­ri­en­ced la­wy­ers / no­ta­ries for the es­ta­blish­ment and re­gis­tra­ti­on of a Ger­man cor­po­ra­ti­on (e.g. GmbH).
  • Co­ope­ra­ti­on with Ger­man tax con­sul­tants who have ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in set­ting up a busi­ness, busi­ness con­sul­ting, ac­coun­ting in ac­cor­dance with Ger­man re­gu­la­ti­ons and Ger­man so­ci­al le­gis­la­ti­on.
  • If de­si­red, pay­roll ac­coun­ting can be of­fe­red ent­i­re­ly in-hou­se by ex­pe­ri­en­ced pay­roll spe­cia­lists.
  • Here we of­fer tailor-made com­ple­te so­lu­ti­ons for your com­pa­ny, from the ac­tu­al wa­ges and ex­pen­ses state­ment to the month­ly no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on to the Ger­man so­ci­al se­cu­ri­ty in­sti­tu­ti­ons and the pro­ces­sing of tra­de as­so­cia­ti­on mat­ters.
  • Dea­ling with in­suran­ce mat­ters for ta­king out ve­hi­cle, trans­port, com­pa­ny and other pro­per­ty in­suran­ce in clo­se co­ope­ra­ti­on with com­pe­tent in­suran­ce ex­perts who fo­cus on cust­o­m­ers in the trans­port in­dus­try.
  • The re­quest for the Ger­man EU li­cen­se as a trans­port per­mit for your com­pa­ny can be car­ri­ed out by us on re­quest and thus be part of a com­ple­te com­pa­ny foun­da­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny.
  • Es­ta­blish­ment of con­tacts to mi­ne­ral oil dis­tri­bu­tors in Den­mark, Aus­tria and to in­ter­na­tio­nal fuel credit card dis­tri­bu­tors in Ger­ma­ny.
  • Cor­re­spon­dence with the re­gu­la­to­ry aut­ho­ri­ties such as the po­li­ce, the Fe­deral Of­fice for Goods Trans­port (BAG), the tra­de of­fice and the pro­fes­sio­nal as­so­cia­ti­on.

Not only the es­ta­blish­ment of the com­pa­ny its­elf, but also the ac­com­pany­ing sup­port and ad­vice in day-to-day busi­ness are a main part of our work.

Which also in­clu­des:

  • ac­tive fleet ma­nage­ment
  • Ve­hi­cle re­gis­tra­ti­ons with Ger­man li­cen­se pla­tes and the ne­cessa­ry li­cen­se pla­te re­ser­va­tions, in­clu­ding re­gis­tra­ti­ons with the re­gis­tra­ti­on of­fices.
  • Pro­ces­sing of all Ger­man toll mat­ters such as re­gis­tra­ti­on with Toll-Collect, in­stal­la­ti­on, ex­pan­si­on and de-re­gis­tra­ti­on of toll de­vices.
  • Con­sul­ting in the field of hu­man re­sour­ces, in­clu­ding re­cruit­ment and sup­port
  • set­tings
  • con­flict co­ping

We would be hap­py to pro­vi­de you with our ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of dri­ving per­son­nel and thus cont­ri­bu­te to a po­si­ti­ve working at­mo­s­phe­re in your com­pa­ny.
Our in­de­pen­dence al­lows us to act as a neu­tral, com­mit­ted, com­pe­tent and re­spec­ted - in short - as a se­rious con­tact for all in­te­rested do­mestic and for­eign trans­port com­pa­nies with gre­at suc­cess on the mar­ket.