
We are hi­ring:

  • Long-dis­tan­ce dri­ver
  • Re­gio­nal dri­ver

A pre­re­qui­si­te for em­ploy­ment is pos­ses­si­on of the ADR cer­ti­fi­ca­te. Any ne­cessa­ry trai­ning can be of­fe­red through us.


What can you ex­pect as a dri­ver at mnts?
We are a team of around 70 col­le­agues. In such a small group, so­ci­al skills and team­work play a par­ti­cu­lar­ly im­portant role for us. By this we mean that no dri­ver has to work for ano­ther “col­le­ague”, that mu­tu­al help and sup­port should be a mat­ter of cour­se and should not be seen as a one-way street.
Our main rou­tes are Den­mark - Ger­ma­ny, the neigh­bo­ring coun­tries Hol­land / Bel­gi­um and back. This con­stel­la­ti­on me­ans that our dri­vers are ge­ne­ral­ly at home on weekends.

We tra­di­tio­nal­ly go on com­pa­ny ho­li­days from Christ­mas up to and in­clu­ding the first weekend of the new year. This time is spent at home with the fa­mi­lies whi­le the of­fice em­ployees take an in­ven­to­ry of the ve­hi­cle and our work­shops car­ry out re­pairs.

So we are fit into the new year and greet it with a hear­ty green cab­ba­ge buf­fet as a New Ye­ar's par­ty, to which all col­le­agues are in­vi­ted with an at­tach­ment. At our sum­mer par­ty we have spe­cial ac­tivi­ties such as Come on a boat trip or a trol­ley tour fol­lo­wed by a bar­be­cue eve­ning. All of this cont­ri­bu­tes to the fact that we as a team have grown to­ge­ther pro­per­ly, that the working at­mo­s­phe­re is right and that many dri­vers have been with us for ye­ars.

Events such as tru­cker mee­tings are or­ga­ni­zed by the dri­vers them­sel­ves. As a com­pa­ny, we al­ways sup­port such high­lights ide­al­ly and fi­nan­ci­al­ly. The lar­ge num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants of our com­pa­ny at the “Wolfs­mei­le” tru­cker mee­ting in re­cent ye­ars im­pres­si­ve­ly de­mons­tra­tes the sen­se of to­ge­ther­ness among our dri­vers.

We pay par­ti­cu­lar at­ten­ti­on to our fleet. This is our cal­ling card on the streets we are on. We do not rent or lea­se trucks, we buy them. They are or­de­red ac­cor­ding to our spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and, af­ter de­li­very, con­ver­ted by a spe­cial con­struc­tion com­pa­ny” with alu­mi­num chas­sis and side pa­nels so that they are made re­al­ly chic”. In short, real mo­ney is being ta­ken in hand to of­fer a stan­dard that is far above aver­age. We are the­re­fo­re very in­te­rested in main­tai­ning the va­lue of our fleet and na­tu­ral­ly ex­pect our dri­vers to use this ca­pi­tal with care. Tho­se who do not care about the­se prin­ci­ples and who can­not agree with our ex­pec­ta­ti­ons should pre­fer not to ap­p­ly to us. We also at­tach gre­at im­port­an­ce to the ex­ter­nal ap­pearan­ce of our dri­vers as they are our busi­ness card for our cust­o­m­ers. Jog­ging pants and tank tops just don't fit any­mo­re from a cer­tain weight class. The busi­ness card truck (street) and dri­ver (cust­o­m­er) should al­re­a­dy be in har­mo­ny.

Star­ting with the re­struc­tu­ring of our fleet to EURO 6, our new ve­hi­cles were equip­ped with par­king coo­lers. A 220 volt con­ver­ter for the exis­ting com­mer­ci­al cof­fee ma­chi­ne (lap­top or TV ope­ra­ti­on) is also part of the stan­dard, as is a ref­ri­ge­ra­tor and te­le­ma­tics sys­tem (e.g. for mes­sa­ge trans­mis­si­on).


We look for­ward to your on­line ap­p­li­ca­ti­on.
Plea­se use the fol­lo­wing ap­p­li­ca­ti­on form:




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